Dr. Tim Rosio & Dr. Oz bring good things to light…Lasers that is! on “Age Erasers”

Spider veins, Rosacea, Stretch Marks, Red Birthmarks or Scars
Blue, red, purple, no matter what color they are, let’s face it, leg and facial veins, scars and stretch marks are just plain unattractive. But Dr. Tim Rosio’s laser expertise at AnewSKIN brings advances in dermatology laser therapy that can help get rid of them once and for all. Our Cynergy cosmetic laser “Gets the Red Out” and smoothes the skin. See why our cosmetic laser treatment, has patients saying, “Now you see them, now you don’t.”

An estimated 50% of all women will suffer from varicose and/or spider veins by the time they’re 50. For many, these embarrassing lines make it difficult to wear shorts or enjoy summer fun, and several are affected by the veins before they reach their fifties. Both facial and leg veins can create the impression of being much older than you feel. That’s why Dr. Rosio calls his laser treatment an “Age Eraser”, and “Vein Eraser”.

Laser erasing Veins

More than ever, women have several options to choose for spider vein treatment. Featured on The Dr. Oz Show, the Cynergy, and also the Apogee Vascular Workstations from Cynosure, are lasers for spider veins that Dr. Rosio uses as he treats many types of vascular and “Age Spot” pigmented lesions. Spider veins, rosacea, Portwine Stain birthmarks and hemangiomas are only a few of the treatments available from Dr. Tim Rosio, director of AnewSKIN Dermatology. The El Dorado Hills and Sacramento area dermatologist is a colleague of New York dermatologist Dr. Katz and uses the same laser as shown on Dr. Oz to perform this procedure that was shown live on the show.

Dr. Rosio and Dr. Katz agree, “This is very common, we see this in our patients every day…. We can address it now with these new lasers.” The spider vein laser uses two distinct wavelengths, and the laser light is absorbed by the blood in the vein causing it to coagulate so that the vein disappears. The treatment is not painful and very effective. The effect is immediately visible with little to no side effects. For further information, visit the AnewSkin website and view informative newscasts featuring interviews with Dr. Rosio and live treatments on network news. Just click on “Your Life Your Skin Network” for these exciting videos, and ask our team for an appointment today. Don’t waste another day “in vein” suffering unnecessarily from enlarging veins, spider vessels, birthmarks, and scars, when you can have Dr. Rosio erase them at the speed of Light!

Doctor Tim Rosio Helps 9 Year Old Girl Mauled by Pitbull

Kelsey photo collage

Your Life, Your Skin: Making a Difference

Happy Thanksgiving To Our Families, Colleagues and Friends

Every year we like to take this time to reflect on the past year.  We meet so many wonderful people through our practice and are pleased to be able to help change their lives as they touch ours.  We wish you all the very best in the coming year and hope that you too have something to give thanks for.

As if childhood was not cruel enough, this little girl has gotten more than her fill. At only nine years old, little Kelsey was mauled by a pit bull. Her mother watched in terror as her daughter’s face was locked in the dog’s powerful jaws. Continue reading

Zerona Laser – Now at AnewSkin!

We are pleased to announce that AnewSkin Dermatology is now offering the Zerona Laser treatment for fat reduction.  As  a pioneer in the laser field, Dr. Rosio is a “first-adopter” of the newest “cold-laser” technology clinically proven to reduce fat in patients. Continue reading

Skin Cancer Takes Friends

More than one American dies every 65 minutes, unnecessarily according to Dr. Tim Rosio of AnewSKIN Dermatology in El Dorado Hills and Auburn, California. And one million people will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year.  However, Dr. Rosio has been changing those statistics locally and nationally by offering free skin cancer screenings, and chairing “Skin Cancer Takes Friends”, a nationwide program with over a thousand dermatologists willing to do the same.
By catching skin cancers early, teaching self skin exam skills, and dispelling common myths about skin cancer, Dr. Tim, as his patients like to call him, has been saving lives all summer long, by giving away almost all of his lunch hours from May through September to perform free skin cancer screenings. He even rode his bike 130 miles and over 5 mountain passes through sun, rain and even hail and educated, and gave free sunscreen to participants of the Lake Tahoe “Death Ride.”

Tanning Beds as High Risk as Tobacco for Cancer!

Study: Tanning beds definitely cause cancer
International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category deeming both to be definite causes of cancer.

For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as “probable carcinogens.”
A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30.

Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation known as UVB was thought to be lethal.
The new classification means tanning beds ultraviolet A bulbs radiation are definite causes of cancer, alongside tobacco, the hepatitis B virus and chimney sweeping, among others.

The research was published online in the medical journal Lancet Oncology on Wednesday by experts at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, the cancer arm of the World Health Organization.
I am reminding people of the risks of sunbeds,” said Dr. Tim Rosio. The new classification means it is a definite carcinogen.

Most lights used in tanning beds give off mainly ultraviolet radiation, which cause skin and eye cancer. As use of tanning beds has increased among people under 30, doctors have seen a parallel rise in the numbers of young people with skin cancer, though most types of skin cancer will not metastasize throughout the body.

According to the studies reviewed by Cogliano and colleagues, using tanning beds caused about a 20 percent increased relative risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer.

Cogliano said it was impossible to know how many benign skin cancers might be caused by tanning beds, because of complicating factors like exposure to regular sunlight. He and colleagues examined data from more than 7,000 melanoma cases and found a strong association between tanning bed use and the disease. He compared the link to that found between tobacco and lung cancer.

In Britain, melanoma is now the leading cancer diagnosed in women in their 20s. Normally, skin cancer rates are highest in people over 75. According to a British study from 2003, about 100 people every year die of melanoma attributable to tanning beds.

Previous studies found younger people who regularly use tanning beds are eight times more likely to get melanoma than people who have never used them. In the past, WHO warned people younger than 18 to stay away from tanning beds.

The American Cancer Society advises people to try bronzing or self-tanning creams instead of tanning beds.

In fact, studies have shown that adopting a comprehensive sun protection program that includes monthly self-examinations and yearly screenings by a dermatologist can substantially lower the skin cancer risk.

Does Caffeine Prevent Cancer?

I would like to comment on some of the many recent articles out there that testify to the cancer-preventative properties of caffeine.  Some may mislead people into thinking that an extra trip to Starbucks will keep them healthy, this is simply not the whole truth.  Taking caffeine internally has not been proven to prevent skin cancer.  However, I am interested in studies showing that the use of topical caffeine may prevent non-melanoma skin cancers.

Continue reading

About Dr. Timothy Rosio

Dr. Timothy J. Rosio, M.D. is a board certified dermatologist and acts as Director for the AnewSKIN laser med-spa and surgicenter. AnewSKIN is a private dermatology and dermasurgery practice operating in the greater Sacramento, California area. AnewSKIN offers a host of cosmetic services and medical programs to assist patients with whatever they need.

Timothy J. Rosio graduated from the University of Arizona with notes of High Distinction accompanying his Bachelor of Science degree. As an undergrad, he worked as an ambulance attendant paramedic and Emergency Room assistant to pay for school, but still managed to find time for Alpha Epsilon Delta pre-medical honorary society, Phi Beta Kappa, and Phi Kappa Phi obligations. At the graduate level, Rosio attended the University of Arizona College of Medicine, where he obtained his M.D., and the Stanford University Medical Center, where he received a specialty certification in Dermatology.

While studying in Arizona, Dr. Rosio was a member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the medical school honorary fraternity comprised of the top 5 to 10% of the class. Dr. Rosio has traveled extensively, having received an ASA Preceptorship in Anesthesiology at Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California and an Arizona Health Sciences Center Study Award that sent him to London, England, in addition to enrolling in a Thoracic Medicine elective at Guy’s Hospital/New Cross Hospital, also in London. Perhaps Dr. Rosio’s biggest distinction while studying in London was his 1979 Elective in Dermatology at The London Institute of Dermatology and St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, one of world’s best known centers for dermatology.