Skin Cancer Takes Friends

More than one American dies every 65 minutes, unnecessarily according to Dr. Tim Rosio of AnewSKIN Dermatology in El Dorado Hills and Auburn, California. And one million people will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year.  However, Dr. Rosio has been changing those statistics locally and nationally by offering free skin cancer screenings, and chairing “Skin Cancer Takes Friends”, a nationwide program with over a thousand dermatologists willing to do the same.
By catching skin cancers early, teaching self skin exam skills, and dispelling common myths about skin cancer, Dr. Tim, as his patients like to call him, has been saving lives all summer long, by giving away almost all of his lunch hours from May through September to perform free skin cancer screenings. He even rode his bike 130 miles and over 5 mountain passes through sun, rain and even hail and educated, and gave free sunscreen to participants of the Lake Tahoe “Death Ride.”

One response to “Skin Cancer Takes Friends

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